
See the 3rd Scientific Summit’s videos & presentations* here...

*following speakers' consent for publication

Search any video / presentation by speaker name, or keywords from the titles.
Karl Lund
Stamatoula Tsikrika
Lion Shahab
Georgios S. Goumas
Paraskevi A. Katsaounou
David T. Sweanor J.D.
Karl Fagerström
Michael G. Toumbis
Clive Bates
Konstantinos Farsalinos
Christelle Haziza
Giuseppe Biondi Zoccai
John Thymis
K. Poulas & K. Farsalinos
David Khayat
Ioannis Faropoulos
Panel - Public Health
Panel - Doctors
Panel – Countries
Panel - Bioethics
Anastasia Barbouni
Kallirrhoe Kourea
Georgios S. Goumas
Sotiria Makaroni
Gavriela Kostelli
Olga Kounari
Venetia Notara – Christos Prapas
Michael G. Toumbis
Konstantinos Kesanopoulos
Kallirrhoe Kourea
Gavriela Kostelli
Sotiria Makaroni